
I am Thankful

 Hey Everybody! Happy Thanksgiving! I saw these super cute Pilgrim Hats making the rounds on Facebook and Instagram and I thought it would be fun to try to make them it.  Pilgrim Hats I love Thanksgiving so much, I love how it's all about family and being together, I love my family so much because they are such amazing people, and I am so glad that they are in my life. I also love that it's about food, one of my favorite things that we have to eat on Thanksgiving is layered jello that my grandma used to make all the time, but she passed away, so now my mom makes it. Another one of my favorites is stuffing, I love stuffing so much, anyways let's get to the recipe: Pilgrim Hats What you need:  Any flat cookies with chocolate on them  (if you don't have any chocolate cookies you can dip normal cookies in melted chocolate then wait for them to dry) Melted chocolate chips mini peanut butter cups Reese's pieces or M&Ms  What you do:  Put some of t

Mabel Juice from Gravity Falls

Hey Everybody! today I'm going to share a really fun and easy recipe from one of my favorite shows, Gravity Falls! I am going to be making  Mabel Juice from the episode Sock Opera, in the episode Mabel is seen holding a blender with Mabel Juice in it. My sister and I have been trying to figure out how to make it and we finally got the recipe perfect! So lets get started! What you need: 1 package red Kool -Aid 2 packages red Fun Dip (or Pixie Sticks they are basically the same thing) 2 cans of orange soda ( any orange soda you like) tiny plastic dinosaurs (The store I shop at does not sell tiny dinosaurs so I used tiny plastic people) one Large jar of ice Instructions: Pour the 2 cans of orange soda into a blender, add Kool-Aid and Fun Dip, pour in ice, blend well,and mix in the tiny dinosaurs! *wash dinosaurs first to get rid of factory germs :) * DO NOT BLEND WITH TINY DINOS IN THE BLENDER!! I REPEAT DO NOT BLEND! * you don't have to use a blender y

I was all "Smiles" at the R5 concert.

Hey Everybody! I hope you all had a fabulous summer, for the last 4 months I have been anxiously awaiting the R5 concert, it's really the only thing I remember doing this summer, all summer long I have been dreaming about it, I love them so much! My room is covered in R5 posters and I recently framed a drawing of mine that features R5. I was so scared that they weren't going to play Smile but they did and it was so Awesome! Last year I was able to go to the Meet and Greet, but this year, unfortunately I purchased my tickets during the fan presale when the Meet and Greet was not available for purchase. Meet and Greet tickets were not available for separate purchase and I was so sad to not be able to go to the Meet and Greet this year. We got there an hour and a half early and they were playing R5 songs on the speakers and everyone was singing along, I was wearing a really cute black top, jeans and black converse that I later covered up with R5 swag. My seat was 3 rows from the s

Cool Patriotic Clutch.

Hey Everybody!!  Today I'm going to show you how to make a DIY Duct tape clutch it's really cute and you can make it in any color or style you want! What you need : Duct Tape  Scissors Ruler .                                       Directions: Take 3 strips of 27in long duct tape and overlap it, fold it in half, tape the bottom and the side, take a 12in piece of tape cut it sideways down the middle fold it sideways, fold it so the ends meet, then tape it to the clutch then you're done! feel free to add charms or stickers to your clutch.Thanks for reading and remember:  Keep it Home Style

Flippin' for Flip-Flops

Hey Everybody !!! It's almost summer and I am SO excited for swimming, drinking lemonade, going on vacations and most of all: FLIP-FLOPS, in this post I'm gonna show you how to make: DIY Water Balloon Flip-Flops! I am so excited to share this with you they are easy and fun to make and they look so cute! I got everything from the dollar store for $3.00.  What you need: Water Balloons ( about 100 per flip-flop ) Flip-Flops Follow the directions and soon you will have stylin' Flip-Flops like mine!  Thanks for reading and remember: Keep it Home Style! 

Gimme S'more of that Mormon Frappé

A few days ago my mom took me to a cafe,we started to look for options without coffee, but we didn't see many so we asked the barista if they had any more options and to our surprise they could make all the Frappés without coffee so I immediately said that I wanted a S'more one, it was so good. As soon as I got it I knew I had to know how to make one, so i did some research on pinterest to see what others had done. I put my own spin on it, then my mom went and got me the ingredients.  My delish Frappé Ingredients : 1 cup milk  1tbs.+ 2 spoonfuls of  marshmallow fluff 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract 2 spoons french vanilla ice cream 2 plastic cups ice  half a graham crackers chocolate syrup whipped cream ( not pictured ) Directions : write your name ( or your friends name) on a cup, squirt syrup in your cup, swirl it around to get maximum chocolate coverage,  put 2 spoonfuls of marshmallow fluff into your cup, put everything else in your blender if you don